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Extra Info...

Working within the energetic body and subconscious mind can be difficult to explain and also understand, primarily because we are dealing with the invisible. We live in a society that is structured and has conditioned us into into being predominantly right-brained thinkers, instead of whole-brained.

Whole-brained is a balance of left (emotional) and right (logical).

These short films explain the basic principles of energy & consciousness,      the premise of how I work within the energy body and subconscious mind. 

The Beauty & Principles of Nature

There are so many beliefs, religions and philosophy's about life, it can be overwhelming knowing what is true and beneficial to practice.

If we consider nature and the beauty of our planet there is a simplicity which is universal and which we can learn from.

A tree doesn't learn how to be a tree, it is just "is." It is present, it is "being". 

In the same way, there is a "being,"  "I am" state to who we are.

When we focus on just being present and in the moment, we are in a state of freedom and peace. We are in the now moment rather than thinking about the past or future. Some people call this now moment, meditation, some mindfulness, some a flow state. 

This being state is a great place to be in when ever we need to refocus ourselves and we get misaligned. 

When we are honest with ourselves and live in alignment to who we are, we can appreciate beauty of our uniqueness, stronger sense of self and purpose and a more fulfillment in life. 


The Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind is the aspect we work with doing PSYCH-K®.

This is where 95% of your beliefs are stored. For more info about quantum science & the subconscious check out Dr Bruce Lipton and also visit the PSYCH-K® website

Emanations of Light


Spirit Science have an amazing resource library for explaining spirit and science, please visit their site. Here they are sharing how we are all emanations of the One.

We are emanations of the One Source, the All that is, the I Am.

Everyone has a difference perception, understanding & name for the One; yet fundementaley we seem to be experiencing and discussing the same thing.    


The Law of Vibration

We are energetic beings of sound, light and matter, reflections of the universe and yet one with the universe.

Here is a  brief overview of the Law of Vibration. 

The Energy Field is also known  Bio field, Aura, Torodial Sphere... its is all the same thing. It is the energetic structure of who you are as a spirit/energy and hold all your emotional, mental and physical patterns. Spirit Science explain in further detail


The Energetic Body

Dolores Cannon explains the Higher Self.

Dolores developed QHHT, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy as a result of her findings as a hypnotherapist, here is her website












The Higher Self 

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